Wednesday, September 22, 2010

hmm..a month to go, and welcome to the future. :)

practical of course..pejam celik tinggal sebulan aje lagi..haha.
pastu degree lak.but tak pasti nak kerja dulu or terus continue degree. hmm..

harap2 semuanya berjalan lancar inshaAllah. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Dah nak dekat sebulan aku duduk rumah atok aku, pindah dari teman-teman aku di kondo Bukit Pandan 2. Ada kalanya aku rasa happy duduk sini. Dapatlah tolong apa yang patut. But ada kalanya memang tension.

Kenapa? Pasal aku duduk dengan orang-orang tua, yang kurang mengerti perasaan remaja macam aku ni. Entahlah, hari-hari ada sahaja kedengaran leteran/bebelan semua. Dulu memang banyak ditujukan pada aku, masa aku sekolah menengah kat sini. Sekarang adik-adik aku pulak yang kena tempiasnya. Kasihan.

Aku tahu, mereka memberi nasihat untuk aku menjadi seorang manusia yang berguna, bukan aku sahaja, tetapi untuk adik-adik aku juga. Alhamdulillah, aku bersyukur dibesarkan di sini. Tetapi adakalanya aku rasa tension.

Contohnya seperti situasi di bawah:

*Aku sedang memakai headfon sedang melayari beberapa laman sosial di Internet sambil mendengar lagu

Opah menyuruh aku simpan kain baju di dalam bilik yang telah siap dilipat. Pada kebiasaanya, aku memang tak dapat nak dengar apa-apa bila dah pakai earfon, so minta maaf sangat2 la. Jadi opah mula meninggikan suara memanggil aku, tetapi masih tidak kedengaran. Adikku pula memberi isyarat dan isyarat tersebut dilihat oleh aku, lalu lantas membuat apa yang patut (mengangkat kain yang dilipat masuk ke dalam bilik). Apa yang terjadi lepas tu? Buka sahaja earfon keluar dari telinga aku, mulalah kedengaran suara ungkitan yang memang menyebabkan aku sakit hati sangat-sangat.

"Baju kamu orang basuhkan, sidaikan. Pastu Opah lipatkan."

Padahal yang marah sebenarnya opah kerana puncanya aku tak dengar dia panggil pasal aku pakai earfon. Kenapa mesti diungkit-ungkit semua itu? Jika tak ikhlas nak tolong tak payah tolong takpe..aku pun sehari sehelai baju sahaja, jadi hujung minggu aku boleh basuh sekali gus. Tak perlu basuh hari-hari.

Aku bukan jenis yang tak menolong ke apa, memang aku tolong, inilah tujuan utama aku kembali balik ke rumah Opah ni, dengan harapan keadaan di sini berubah. Walaupun sepertinya dah berubah sedikit, tapi kesan-kesanya masih ada pasal adikku masih bersekolah di sini.

Biasalah budak sekolah, memanglah degil sedikit. Kena cakap banyak kali baru nak buat. Itu memang lumrah alam, kita sebagai yang tua kena selalu ingatkan yang muda. Itulah tugas aku, sebagai abang untuk tengok-tengokan adik aku. Opah aku makin tua. Nanti kalau aku tak jaga adik aku, siapa lagi?

Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kesabaran untuk terus berada dalam rumah ini.
"Yang semua pahit itu adalah ubat, tetapi kesannya memang manis kelak." :)

P/S: Aku memang suka nak praktikkan pakai earfon, aku tak suka dengar bebelan, leteran, lagi-lagi di bulan Ramadhan ini.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Awek, Bini, Isteri, Pasangan dan seumpama dengannye.

Hahaha, u all rasa siapa la yang bertuah tu kan. Jadi awek merangkap bini aku. haha.

When I post my status on fb like this:
Muhammad Sobirin is married xD.

People like "wow", "sape sape sape?", "WTF?".
But I like to mention Fik's comment:
"Tak mungkin, kau gay."
I was like LOL!!!. and the comment is liked by Syazwan, cibai dowh korang. T.T

Actually, my new wife aka. girlfriend is my motorcyle, EX5-WNH 1824. :)
Although it is second handed, I was totally, instantly, love that thing. I will take care of you sayang, make sure you give your best in return. :)

I bought that bike around 2 weeks ago, for RM2200. Wow, that's cheap, compare to the second hand bike at the motor shop. Why too cheap? It is because I bought it from a friend. I guess that settled my transportation problem for now.

I always love to ride a bike, and the "Born to Ride" suits me best. I'm actually don't enjoy driving instead of riding, but who knows, when I have a car I come to like to driving also. I hope that will happen coz i know driving skill is important too.

Enough rambling about my bike. Now I start to miss what my life used to be, which life with my friends in rumah sewa in Cheras. Now I don't stayed with them anymore, I stayed with my grandmother instead, because to watch over my lil brother and sister as they lived there. I was heavy hearted to leave that house and my friends that I already assume them as my siblings, my family. No more badminton hangouts, snooker hangouts, dota hangouts, argh!!! that so much to miss about! :(

The sunny side is, when I lived my grandmothers I can save money a bit, as I don't need to buy dinner, because I'm eating grandmother's cooking in the night. Hehehe. But still I'm not used to this life, not that I haven't lived with my grandmother. I had spent my high school life mostly in my grandmother's house. It's actually it's been a while since I lived there, and I need to adjust my life back when it's used to be. But God knows, I missed my rumah sewa siblings, as I'm know they missing me too. After all, I'm not the one who easy to forget of am I? xD

The time files so fast, now it's five days more to Ramadhan. For all the muslims out there, I wish "Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan". This month there is no Satan, all Satan had been chained and we only have to face one enemy, ourselves (hawa nafsu). I hope that we can get through this month gladly, with flawless, InsyaAllah. :)

Okay, I think that's all for now. Got to get to my work in this boring and hot office xD Later.

P/S: This weekend had PC Fair, I like to go there because I want to register for internet, to make my Grandma's house less boring. hahaha. :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's been a while

It's been a while since the last time aku update this blog. Not like there is no events that happend to me during this month, but I didn't feel like writing, that's all. :)

Okay, when was the last time I update myself in this blog? was on 29th June, and it is abour my healthy issues. That I'm having fever and flu, but now I already getting better, and healthier, Alhamdulillah.

So, what is the story on this post? Okay, I list it one by one:

1) Okay, maybe this a little bit too old, but I wanna write it right away. ;) On 19th June 2010, I was attending the small gathering from my Primary Schools at JCO Donuts Sunway Pyramid. It was a hell of fun event. :) We talking and everyone seems really different, except for few people. Last but not least, million thanks to Aishah and Maryam for organizing this event. Love u dear!! XOXO

2) Suprisingly, Farid and Fahmi had join me and Dayang at Energetic Point Sdn. Bhd. and leave Adray and Adib at Mazda Company. The reasons is still remains unclear.

3) On 10th July, my only one brother, Abang Yop aka Olin :) had engaged with his girlfriend of his choice Syazwani aka wani. :) I was there at the event, and it seems all going well. Congratulations to both of you, and hope this engagement will stays until marriage, InshaAllah. :)

4) On 11th July, there was a Khatam Quran ceremony, which my uncle, invited to celebrate his daughter for finish reciting the Quran. :) I came and held my hands to help with the preparations for the event. And it was definitely enjoyable. I even bring back some extra food to my rent house from the ceremony itself. :D

5) I officially had my L license, after meeting with Encik Marzuki last Saturday. And that evening, I searched for my first vehicle, hehe..motorcycle. I was budgeting the price would be RM2000 and below, but it was way too expensive when all shops that we went cannot compensate with my budget. :( Luckily, Wani's(my brother's fiance) brother's friend want to sell an EX-5 motorcycle, for RM2200, which include all the process fees. I'm so gladly except his offer and at least by next week, I had my own bike. :)

Wow, that so much to tell doesn't it? Sob, when u write blog, u need to be a consistent blogger, so that others can know your updates. =___=

What excites me the most now? All done work, (maybe just a little bit more, xD) , next upcoming reunion that maybe will be held BAKTI(Hell yeah, I love this) :), and hmm..two months to go for practicals? Or maybe 2 and half months. >_____<

Get tired easily nowadays, need to balance it with playing badminton at least once every week, for my fitness.

Ok this post is one of the hell of update! HAHAHA. Later. :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Third Day, Third Week.

Minggu ni aku diuji dengan penyakit yang datang secara tiba-tiba untuk melemahkan semangat aku untuk menjalani Latihan Industri ni. Bermula dari hari Jumaat lepas, 25 June 2010, aku telah dijangkiti demam, sampai hari Ahad. Then, demam nye dah ok but selsema pulak datang menyusul..tak keruan aku di buatnye, pagi-pagi sepatutnya bersemangat nak pergi kerja, macam attitude aku yg sebelum sebelum ni, tapi sekarang memang dah tak bermaya, lemah satu badan, dan tak pernah rasa segar. Aku dah tak stay up dah sejak Internet kat rumah aku tu kena potong. Semua gara-gara Nasrie tu, suka hati je taknak bayar bil Streamyx. =.= dah la.nak update blog pun xde mood bila cakap pasal dia.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yang dikejar tak dapat yang dikendong berciciran... =___=

Inilah ungkapan yang paling sesuai dengan situasi aku sekarang ini. Kenape? because, em..well I'm supposed to go for my practical at Sime Darby, but in the end tak dapat..


Before confirmation yang kata aku tak dapat ke Sime Darby tu aku dapat offer dari Adray untuk follow dia praktikal kat Mazda Shah Alam. Okay...Mazda is fine but masa tu aku macam terlalu berharap dengan Sime Darby. And inilah akibatnye, aku tolak offer Adray tu, bukan pasal aku tak nak..but nak bagi peluang kat dua orang lagi rakan aku, si Fahmi dan Farid.

And in the end, I stucked at here..Energetic Point Sdn. Bhd. and surprisingly with Dayang. Yes Dayang Shahila was there too! haha. What happen to her "adik" (Fataina)?

She got another offer in Subang..and at last I can see they both berpisah. T.T
At least on the good side I doing my practical here is, transport la. LRT Star straight dari Pandan Jaya ke Titiwangsa, and a few minutes walk from there and you will arrive at the office which is Plaza Pekeliling.

Aku sebenarnya pernah pergi kat situ dulu, masa majlis Pameran motor Yamaha dengan bebudak rumah aku. ;)

Cuma tak perasan pulak LRT dgn Plaza tu dekat situ. hehe.

Anyway, sorry pasal lama tak update blog..sian blog ni cam terbiar je~~ hehe.
Now, it is my fourth day, in practicals and so far so good.

But kena belajar a few new programming language (, SQL)

Actually SQL dah pernah belajar dulu tapi basic sangat, kat sini pakai Microsoft SQL Server, padahal at CSOM dulu pakai MySQL (XAMMP, PHPmyAdmin)

Aku harap semuanya berjalan lancar..inshaAllah.


Friday, May 14, 2010


Akhirnya...aku offically merdeka. Although exam aku tamat pada 11 Mei, tak bermaknanya aku dah boleh senang lenang. Alhamdulillah, segalanya berjalan lancar, walaupun last minute punya kerja.

Pergh..assignment tak perlu nak cakap la, semua dah settle. Yang tinggal projek besar2. System Analysis and Design dan Visual Basic Documentation. Semuanya aku dah selesaikan, dan semalam (Jumaat) aku dah hantar semua sekali. :)

Dah lama tak update blog. Busy sangat, tu yg lama tak update tu. Sekarang aku boleh rehat, cuti ni aku nak nikmati sepenuhnya. Aku penat, penat, penat dengan CSOM ni. Tak sabar rasanya nak praktikal, cuma masalah sekarang yang aku risau mengenai praktikal ni adalah kenderaan.

Emm..duit yuran yang diberi MARA aku dah habiskan untuk bayar yuran, padahal pada mulanya aku nak guna duit tu untuk membuat lesen dan membeli motor. Adoi, banyak betul cabaran dalam hidup ni. Aku harap Tuhan sentiasa bersama aku, untuk menolong aku menghadapi liku-liku hidup ni.

Dah la penat membebel dah ni..luahan perasaan aje pun, hehe. ;)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Semalam, bersamaan dengan 25 haribulan April..adalah hari paling merugikan aku. Kenape? pasal dalam satu hari ada 24 jam kan? aku rasa tak sampai 4 jam aku terjaga pada hari tersebut..

Ni kes tidur la ni..

Haha.kena elokkan sikit la bioclock aku dah kacau bilau dah jadinye.
Last week straight 3 malam tak tidur nak buat e-commerce project la..tapi tak sudah2 lagi. Hmm..Ya Allah tolonglah mudahkan jalan hamba-Mu ini..

dahla..nak gi kelas ar.dalam study week pun leh ada kelas.takleh blah betol.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Its been a while since I update this blog..bukan xnak update ke ape tapi mmg busy sangat sejak akhir2 ni..maklumlah yg aku ni in last learning semester in CSOM the next semester which is the fifth is my Learning Internship time. xD

Perasaan? Campur baur la perasaan aku nii..nervous ada sikit, takut ada sikit, excited ada sikit, happy pun ada sikit. But apa2 pun life's must go on, eventhough we had hard time..

Semalam la aku dan member2 sekelas dgn aku yang layak ke pratikal sem depan di beri briefing oleh our coordinator. It's a very good briefing indeed..because briefing tu la telah memaksa call papa aku for something really urgent and bother my mind for a while..

Me : Hello, papa, Assalamualaikum.
Papa: Wasalam.
Me: Papa, adik ada benda sikit nak ckp nii
Papa: Hmm..ape?
Me: Hari yg adik takut sepanjang adik amik course CSOM ni dah nak dekat dah pa.
Papa: ???
Me: Papa tau tak anak papa yang sorang ni dah besar dah nak kerja dah semua??
Papa: Hmm?
Me: Actually, tadi petang coordinator bagi briefing for pratical sem depan.
Papa: Haa..apa masalahnye?
Me: Adik tak habis cakap lagi. Masalahnye pa adik rasa sangat2 yang adik perlukan transport for this purpose.
Papa: Huh? Papa kamu ni pun tak pakai motor, ini kan kamuuu?
Me: Tempat kerja papa kan dekat je..Ala pa beli la, adik pakai untuk praktikal ni je, nanti pas praktikal papa pakai la..
Papa: Sape suruh kamu tak buat lesen awal2..sekarang kan dah susah..
Me: Bukannye tak nak buat lesen, tapi kalau ada lesen pun motor xde susah jugak kan? Lagipun adik rasa adik tak perlu lagi lesen. Adik tak jeles pun sepupu2 adik yang lain semuanye dah ada lesen, pasal adik tau adik tak perlukan menda tu buat masa tu..tu lah pasal adik tak buat awal2.
Papa: Hmm..papa tak boleh keluar EPF lagi, papa belum umur 50. Kalau tak papa dah lama beli motor jugak.
Me: Yelah pa..tu adik tau. Pasal ni la adik nak bincang dengan papa ni. Kalau papa ada kenal dengan mana2 company yang dekat2 yang adik boleh buat praktikal ke..
Papa: Course kamu pasal ape?
Me: Basically, semua adik tau buat..pasal IT la. Business Management pun ada gak.
Papa: Nanti papa tolong tengok2 kan.
Me: Haa pasal motor tu??
Papa: Hmm..
Me: Ala pa menda ini penting sangat2 papa..adik sangat perlukan pertolongan papa sekarang, adik tak tau nak mintak tolong sape lagi..
Papa: Kamu amik lesen dulu, nanti papa fikir2 kan.
Me: Adik ingat nak guna duit yuran yg MARA bg RM3000 dulu tapi sekarang tinggal RM1100. tapi nanti adik boleh dapat dalam RM2200 camtu la.
Papa: Hmm..ok la tu. Nanti papa topup la sikit utk bayar muka. Kita buat loan kedai. Yang penting kamu buat lesen dulu.
Me: Adik cuti semester ni akan amik lesen. Adik dok rumah Wafiq for sebulan for amik lesen.
Papa: Haa bagus la tu..nanti papa usahakan ye.
Me: Thanks papa..adik tak tau nak mintak tolong sape lagi.
Papa: Hmm..
Me: Duit yuran tu adik ingat boleh ganti punye masa adik buat praktikal nanti. dah la dapat elaun company campur lagi duit bulan2 rm630 inshaallah cukup nak cover balik.
Papa: Ok2.
Me: Papa usahakan ye?
Papa: Haa..ok2.
Me: Thanks papa, Assalamualaikum.
Papa: Wasalam.

Ada dalam 10 minit jugak aku sembang dengan papa tadi..pasal menda ni aku tau bukan main2. Aku kena ready dari segi semua aspek; mentality, resources dan lain2.

Pastu aku ada sembang dengan mak aku jugak..dia kata wife pakcik Jas kerja kat Sime Darby Subang Jaya. Esok (hari ini) dia akan bagi address company tu pastu aku suruh coordinator aku bagi surat kat company ni suruh applykan aku. Harap2 dapat la..Sime Darby tuuu. Ibu ada ajak aku pergi PD gak..tgk Mak Su punye convo, tapi minta maaf la ibuu..memang tak dapat pergi la. Banyak projek tak siap lagi.

HMM..tu je la kot aku nak membebel pasal praktikal ni.. Cepat betul masa berlalu..


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bad last week, good current week and busy this weekend, i guess.

Last week was the most laziest week in this fourth semester. I skipped around 3 days of class if i'm not mistaken. Why I am so lazy at that time. =___=!!

Luckily, I didn't missed a thing about my studies. Always got friends (or maybe a friend) that can always be count keep up with my course.

This week..was OK for me i guess. Although I did not get a good night sleep at two UEFA Champions League match night..I manage to go to class that I aimed to come. :)
And JSP quiz..I think I tried my best. =D

And one work is finally settled. Presentation regarding IT Management. And this subject is finally come to the end when the lecturer announce that next week is final week that this class (for this subject) is held. :)

Now, I am determined to repair my bioclock. SOB!! u should get some sleep at night, not during evening or morning. =___=

As for this weekend, I am totally busy. Meeting my group mates to discuss several things about our system development aka. e-commerce web design. I am not worried about Dayang, she sure can make it. I am just worried about Fataina and Hayati, and especially HAYATI. I hope she could make it this time. As senior, we respected her, as we respected Mizi last semester. But I hope she can just show a little effort to the team, as we are in one group. Thanks Hayati. :)

*Why always seniors like to be in group with us? *

Okay..too much of typing, better I spent my time finishing the new VB's lecturer homework. I mean assignments.


Ok gonna stop now, later.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Presentations for Transformers. =(

Who knows a subject that is so-called IT management?
what do you understand about this subject.

Damn, this subject is far more harder than any subject that I been through.

And most of all, it is READING subject.

I hate reading subjects although usually I get good grade for that particular

And now I need to do my part in presentation, as Adray's requested.

Hmm..why it is so easy to ask me to do assignments, haha.

The truth is regardless how many times I came to Mucid's house to do some work,
that is the time I saw Adray sleeping.

Its very pitiful and serba salah situation for me.
He is in my group after all, and he is my truthful and loyal friend in my college.

I trusted him, as he trusts me.

That's why I willing to sacrifice anything for him.
Even my sleep and rest time.

And usually when all of this come to the end, haha guess what?

I am too sleepy in the morning and skipped whole class on the next day.
Life is just too great, wasn't it?

*better get my focus and determination on, need to finish this lousy work now.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Ada 2 orang punye birthday yg aku nak wish kat sini..
sorang lahir 31 March


Muhammad Solihin bin Kamaruzaman, thx for be a great brother.. :)

*no pictures of u la in my comp later i update this blog okay???

3rd April.. :)
Wish you a blast birthday girl!!


Phone baru W705
can go la with rm800.
Got Wi-Fi. walkman phone...
3.2 MP camera.
Hmm...ok spec for me i guess..
i just need the Wi-Fi feature coz berat la nak carry lappy hari2. XD

one more thing.
jangan beli Sony if want to use GPS feature.
GPS kat sony xleh pakai Garmin.
Garmin is da best software in GPS.

Ahh..i don't need that anyway..
bukannye aku ada kereta pun.
lesen pun xde ag. haha.

Nokia can support GARMIN by the way. ;)

Now aku officially ada 3 phone.
w380i, K850i and new W705.
sile beri khidmat terbaik ye wahai phone2 sekalian...

thats all for now.

*pelayan kat Village View ni sengal. Suruh lap meja dia kasi tisu pulak. XD

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Opah, semoga cepat sembuh ye.

Opah oo Opah.

sedih aku melihat keadaan opah sekarang.
teringat masa arwah atuk, dalam waktu macam ni jugak la..
cuma tahun lepas.

Opah nampak pucat, tulang bahu macam terkeluar nak duduk atas katil dan pergi tandas
pun tak larat..

SEDIH sangat2.

Opah semoga cepat sembuh.
Walaupun adik selalu sakitkan hati opah masa dulu2.
Tapi Opah dah jadi macam mama sejak arwah mama meninggal.

Terima kasih Opah.
Adik ingin nak balas jasa Opah.
Adik belum bersedia nak Opah pergi...

Tolong la Ya Allah, sembuhkan lah Opah aku.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

For You. :)

this is for you. :D
sorry better amik video than gambar coz nanti x nampk writing.

i hope u like it. :)

With love,

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Bahagia, yang aku rasakan sukar untuk digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Bahagia itu boleh menyebabkan aku terhenti bermain DotA seketika. Bahagia itu sememangnya menyebabkan aku tersentak dan terkesima. Bahagia itu, sungguh indah and sangat best perasaannya.

Dah lama aku tidak berperasaan begini. Betul, lama sangat. Maksudnya bahagia yang seperti ini. Aku senang dengan perasaan ini. Aku takut perasaan ni akan pergi. Tapi aku tak kesah, pasal aku betul-betul rindu dgn perasaan ini, dan kali ini perasaan ni singgah ke dalam lubuk hatiku buat agak lama.

Sampai aku dah tidur balik pun masih rasa bahagia, walaupun tidak amik dinner lagi. =__=

Gotta keep my focus on, i got 3 tutorials to finish tonight.
after my dinner, of course. =D


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fun Never Ends When I With Them =D

3rd MARCH, 2010

Haha, that is the date of my trip to Sunway Lagoon after quite some years. I am very shocked that there are so many things there, quite like Genting Highland also. There are water park, extreme park, amusement park, scream park and also mini zoo that is so-called wildlife park. Sunway Lagoon promises many variety of entertainment and leisure for family and friends, there are five of parks that are need to check out!

Don't be surprised, its been more than 12 years I did not go to Sunway Lagoon. I think last time I went is when I was 6 or 7 years old, with my arwah mama of course =(

I quite regret coz although I lived in KL, I do not know the development of the Sunway, there are so many new things at there. O.O

When first time I go there, the only think I can remember that I ride an amusement ride which is there is some vultures that spinning around, just like the horse o rodeo. so memorable. =)

Unfortunately on that day I did not have the chance to try all the park. We (Syafick, Mursyid, Adray and Razi) only take bracelet tag that allow us to enter the water and amusement park only. There are so much memories there, especially in water park. Ironically, there are no pictures taken while we having fun in the water park because we put all our stuffs in the locker. So no cameras while in action, how sad was that.. =____=

Overall, I satisfied with the Sunway Lagoon and it is worth every Ringgit you spent for it, except for the food, I suggest do not eat inside the park, cause there are extremely expensive

In the future, I would like to try the others park that I didn't try yet, Extreme Park is a must, because I would be given a chance to try ride the All Terrain Vehicle (I'm not sure what it is called by in GTA San Andreas it is called Quadbike) and Flying Fox. Can't wait on that day. I hope it will come InshaAllah.

To Adray, Syafick, Mursyid and Razi, thanks for everything. I enjoyed with you guys at there. :D

Actually, we suppose to go to Desa Water Park but it is closed on Wednesday. Last minute plan, Sunway Lagoon. Just like quote by Syafick in his Facebook status: "Kedai" tutup, singgah "Kedai" lain. Haha!

But I'm grateful we go to Sunway Lagoon, as I am never been there for years. =D

This is when we want to go back already. Picture of me beside the duck. Hehe.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Tomorrow will be quite a day. Together me and Adray will go to Jalan Raja Chulan to conduct an interview for our group project in Miss Transformers (Pn. Mazianna) class. Haha. actually not tomorrow, but another six hours, which is 11 am. and hell yeah, I can't sleep. Actually there is so much to write just now, about my trip to Sunway Lagoon, about my fight with classmates and much more. But..em lets just stop this for now. I need some sleep :)

*remembers all the things we wanted, now all the memories they're haunted, we always meant to say goodbye.

always stay invisible,

Sob :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010


pejam celik pejam celik dah nak dekat sebulan dah aku pindah ke BUKIT PANDAN 2. sejak pindah dari arena shamelin..memang hidup aku ni tidak pernah bosan..ada je benda nak buat.

*hehe tipulah kalau aku kata x pernah bosan kadang2 bosan la jugak.

macam2 la ada kat bukit pandan 2 condo ni. swimming pool ada, badminton court ada. haha. living in a penthouse la katakan~~

squash court pun ada tapi xde raket dia, adoiyai apatah lagi main squash, mesti x tau.

Gym or gimnasium pun ada tapi macam barang2 dia x lengkap dah terbiar..dah rupa stor dah aku tengok.

ada lagi..table ping pong pun ada disediakan..haha memang xkan bosan la hidup aku di sini.senantiasa fit dgn stamina dan berpeluh je.

*asal la meja snooker xde kat condo ni..kalau ada konfem tiga2 A tu jadi bestfren aku. HAHA!

Soal makan jangan risau..boleh order burger kat gerai burger kat bawah kondo ni..nanti dia tolong delivery kan...haha mudah giler hidup ni..

xyah la nak sebok2 order MCD, mahal tu...ada dilevery charge lagi..yg ni mana ada delivery charge,


Before I write this blog, I played badmintons just now. It was very exhausting. HAHA. Its ok..coz it was hell of a fun playing badmintons. I dun care about those tiring moments and all. hehe. Thanks to Adray and Adib for coming and play with least my semester break at here filled with activities with friends rather than stuck at home. ^____^

P/S: I dont go back to my hometown this semester break..coz i too LAZY to do

Here are some of the pics during the action this evening: ^0^

adray always single ^^
get ready for a smash :O
adib seems so light?? =__=

So after playing we hang out at mamak beside the court. There Adray remind me about Java Assignment.. OMG I HAVEN'T STARTED YET! Some more he ask me to buy Squash racquet to play together some day. zzz.

*I need to start saving then.. I had owe someone regarding my "new" rental fee..OMG i need some serious CASH!

hmm..I guess thats all for now..later.

P/S: HAHA..speaking selalu..

At the Beginning.

Tiada apa2 yg nak dihebahkan buat masa ini, just assume this is the beginning for my blog. saje je nak buat..em maybe leh tambah ilmu pengetahuan di samping bergosip-gosipan.. hehehe.

apa2 pun layan lagu ni, sempena dgn kelahiran blog aku.