Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bad last week, good current week and busy this weekend, i guess.

Last week was the most laziest week in this fourth semester. I skipped around 3 days of class if i'm not mistaken. Why I am so lazy at that time. =___=!!

Luckily, I didn't missed a thing about my studies. Always got friends (or maybe a friend) that can always be count keep up with my course.

This week..was OK for me i guess. Although I did not get a good night sleep at two UEFA Champions League match night..I manage to go to class that I aimed to come. :)
And JSP quiz..I think I tried my best. =D

And one work is finally settled. Presentation regarding IT Management. And this subject is finally come to the end when the lecturer announce that next week is final week that this class (for this subject) is held. :)

Now, I am determined to repair my bioclock. SOB!! u should get some sleep at night, not during evening or morning. =___=

As for this weekend, I am totally busy. Meeting my group mates to discuss several things about our system development aka. e-commerce web design. I am not worried about Dayang, she sure can make it. I am just worried about Fataina and Hayati, and especially HAYATI. I hope she could make it this time. As senior, we respected her, as we respected Mizi last semester. But I hope she can just show a little effort to the team, as we are in one group. Thanks Hayati. :)

*Why always seniors like to be in group with us? *

Okay..too much of typing, better I spent my time finishing the new VB's lecturer homework. I mean assignments.


Ok gonna stop now, later.

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