Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Awek, Bini, Isteri, Pasangan dan seumpama dengannye.

Hahaha, u all rasa siapa la yang bertuah tu kan. Jadi awek merangkap bini aku. haha.

When I post my status on fb like this:
Muhammad Sobirin is married xD.

People like "wow", "sape sape sape?", "WTF?".
But I like to mention Fik's comment:
"Tak mungkin, kau gay."
I was like LOL!!!. and the comment is liked by Syazwan, cibai dowh korang. T.T

Actually, my new wife aka. girlfriend is my motorcyle, EX5-WNH 1824. :)
Although it is second handed, I was totally, instantly, love that thing. I will take care of you sayang, make sure you give your best in return. :)

I bought that bike around 2 weeks ago, for RM2200. Wow, that's cheap, compare to the second hand bike at the motor shop. Why too cheap? It is because I bought it from a friend. I guess that settled my transportation problem for now.

I always love to ride a bike, and the "Born to Ride" suits me best. I'm actually don't enjoy driving instead of riding, but who knows, when I have a car I come to like to driving also. I hope that will happen coz i know driving skill is important too.

Enough rambling about my bike. Now I start to miss what my life used to be, which life with my friends in rumah sewa in Cheras. Now I don't stayed with them anymore, I stayed with my grandmother instead, because to watch over my lil brother and sister as they lived there. I was heavy hearted to leave that house and my friends that I already assume them as my siblings, my family. No more badminton hangouts, snooker hangouts, dota hangouts, argh!!! that so much to miss about! :(

The sunny side is, when I lived my grandmothers I can save money a bit, as I don't need to buy dinner, because I'm eating grandmother's cooking in the night. Hehehe. But still I'm not used to this life, not that I haven't lived with my grandmother. I had spent my high school life mostly in my grandmother's house. It's actually it's been a while since I lived there, and I need to adjust my life back when it's used to be. But God knows, I missed my rumah sewa siblings, as I'm know they missing me too. After all, I'm not the one who easy to forget of am I? xD

The time files so fast, now it's five days more to Ramadhan. For all the muslims out there, I wish "Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan". This month there is no Satan, all Satan had been chained and we only have to face one enemy, ourselves (hawa nafsu). I hope that we can get through this month gladly, with flawless, InsyaAllah. :)

Okay, I think that's all for now. Got to get to my work in this boring and hot office xD Later.

P/S: This weekend had PC Fair, I like to go there because I want to register for internet, to make my Grandma's house less boring. hahaha. :)

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