Monday, July 19, 2010

It's been a while

It's been a while since the last time aku update this blog. Not like there is no events that happend to me during this month, but I didn't feel like writing, that's all. :)

Okay, when was the last time I update myself in this blog? was on 29th June, and it is abour my healthy issues. That I'm having fever and flu, but now I already getting better, and healthier, Alhamdulillah.

So, what is the story on this post? Okay, I list it one by one:

1) Okay, maybe this a little bit too old, but I wanna write it right away. ;) On 19th June 2010, I was attending the small gathering from my Primary Schools at JCO Donuts Sunway Pyramid. It was a hell of fun event. :) We talking and everyone seems really different, except for few people. Last but not least, million thanks to Aishah and Maryam for organizing this event. Love u dear!! XOXO

2) Suprisingly, Farid and Fahmi had join me and Dayang at Energetic Point Sdn. Bhd. and leave Adray and Adib at Mazda Company. The reasons is still remains unclear.

3) On 10th July, my only one brother, Abang Yop aka Olin :) had engaged with his girlfriend of his choice Syazwani aka wani. :) I was there at the event, and it seems all going well. Congratulations to both of you, and hope this engagement will stays until marriage, InshaAllah. :)

4) On 11th July, there was a Khatam Quran ceremony, which my uncle, invited to celebrate his daughter for finish reciting the Quran. :) I came and held my hands to help with the preparations for the event. And it was definitely enjoyable. I even bring back some extra food to my rent house from the ceremony itself. :D

5) I officially had my L license, after meeting with Encik Marzuki last Saturday. And that evening, I searched for my first vehicle, hehe..motorcycle. I was budgeting the price would be RM2000 and below, but it was way too expensive when all shops that we went cannot compensate with my budget. :( Luckily, Wani's(my brother's fiance) brother's friend want to sell an EX-5 motorcycle, for RM2200, which include all the process fees. I'm so gladly except his offer and at least by next week, I had my own bike. :)

Wow, that so much to tell doesn't it? Sob, when u write blog, u need to be a consistent blogger, so that others can know your updates. =___=

What excites me the most now? All done work, (maybe just a little bit more, xD) , next upcoming reunion that maybe will be held BAKTI(Hell yeah, I love this) :), and hmm..two months to go for practicals? Or maybe 2 and half months. >_____<

Get tired easily nowadays, need to balance it with playing badminton at least once every week, for my fitness.

Ok this post is one of the hell of update! HAHAHA. Later. :)

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